Monday, March 15, 2010


So, I've been making the soft ribbon headbands for a while.  Remember, these are the ones that have velcro on the bottom and cinch in the back...they REALLY stay put!!!  You can choose any ribbon (zebra is a fave!).

BUT, with the newest headband trend, I decided to try my hand at one with feathers.  Here's what I came up with.  I LOVE LOVE LOVE it. 
This one was very narrow and I couldnt find a solid brown ribbon that was thick enough to do 1 strand, so I had to wrap it.  It would look better w/ 1 solid piece, but that's ok.

So, I have ordered a TON more plain white headbands to decorate!!  My plan is to make them w/ 1 strip of ribbon to cover the band and then add a loop.  In this loop, you can add any bow, flower, or feathers as needed!  Or, I can add them for you.  I have more examples to those will come later! 

Headband w/ loop to add bow:  $4
Headband w/ feathers, bow, flower:  $8-$12

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